
I am....

Foto saya
Yogyakarta, DIY, Indonesia
I live Journalistic, I speak Music, I write Paintings, I breath Words. Find me on Instagram as tamikira ! :)
Diberdayakan oleh Blogger.

I love my dad

I love my dad

I love my Mom

I love my Mom

Senin, 28 November 2011

My Leisure Time

I have a new hobby.
Yup! Photography.

I thought they weren't good enough, but these are my creations (:

I love to paint, and this clown is one of my creations (:

Jumat, 25 November 2011

Haven't Met You Yet

These days are over (again).

I go to bed.
Lay my head.
Think about something.
Back to routine.

But I wanna tell you about a great thing happened these days.

Selasa, 22 November 2011

Daisuki ^^

There are many definitions of Love.

Example :

But, it's kinda hyperbole and general. LOL (:

How about childrean's perception? Let us see.

Senin, 21 November 2011

26 Plans

"Take a breath, and believe, you CAN do ANYTHING." (:

little things we do ~

Minggu, 20 November 2011

Love Your Ground

Today, when I wrote this story, it was raining outside.

Then my friend made me realize something.

Morning Song

at least that's crossing our minds everyday, every morning, ^^
"I Love My Bed" ~

a little thing we do ~

Sabtu, 19 November 2011


You know this guy, don't you?

Yup, he is Grumpy, one of seven dwarfs in snow white's story.

What do you know about him?

Jumat, 18 November 2011

Kamis, 17 November 2011

Favorite Villain

Who's your favorite Princess?
Who's your favorite Prince?
Who's your favorite character in the movie?

We usually get those questions.
But :
Who's your favorite villain in the movie?
It is a rare question.

My Lazy Day

My mid exams ended today.
I drove my motorcycle back to dormitory.
Finally I could spend a day without any books or subjects.
I thought I could do anything.
Well, I'll tell you something.
I was sleeping.

It's Free to Breath

Nature's calling.
We didn't have responsibility to take care our living.
Please, don't let them die because of our self need.
Think about our green planet.
Think about our future's destiny.
Think about our children and everything.
Take care of it.

Rabu, 16 November 2011

Ordinary Miracle

Ordinary Miracle - Sarah McLachlan
The sky knows when it's time to snow
Don't need to teach a seed to grow
It's just another
Ordinary miracle today

Pheidippides - a Greek Messenger

Everybody knows Marathon.
But just a few people know about the history of marathon.

Selasa, 15 November 2011

Look Through His Eyes

Yesterday, when I was a little girl
You looked at me
and you told me how wonderful world is

This is How I Feel

College life is exciting, but I still feel like these.

source : chibird.tumblr.com

Senin, 14 November 2011

When Will I Become a Child Again?

What do you think about a picture above?
I think about my childhood.

You're the Fairest of All

When I was a kid, I told my Mom that she is so beautiful.

Then, I read a book, fairy tale one, I saw that Cinderella was awesome.

I grew up.

The Little Match-Seller

The Little Match-Seller

 by Hans Christian Andersen

IT was terribly cold and nearly dark on the last evening of the old year, and the snow was falling fast. In the cold and the darkness, a poor little girl, with bare head and naked feet, roamed through the streets.
 It is true she had on a pair of slippers when she left home, but they were not of much use. They were very large, so large, indeed, that they had belonged to her mother, and the poor little creature had lost them in running across the street to avoid two carriages that were rolling along at a terrible rate. One of the slippers she could not find, and a boy seized upon the other and ran away with it, saying that he could use it as a cradle, when he had children of his own. So the little girl went on with her little naked feet, which were quite red and blue with the cold. In an old apron she carried a number of matches, and had a bundle of them in her hands. No one had bought anything of her the whole day, nor had anyone given her even a penny. Shivering with cold and hunger, she crept along; poor little child, she looked the picture of misery. The snowflakes fell on her long, fair hair, which hung in curls on her shoulders, but she regarded them not.

Someday, and They Will Be (:

I wanna go there, someday (:

I'll find you, one day (:

I wanna get this score, in that day (:

Someday, and they will be.
Start from dreamin'.
Fulfill them with our journey.
Just keep in your faith.
There's someday in our today.


a little dream ~

Minggu, 13 November 2011

When You're a Grown Up Girls.......

Pimples are growing on your face;
(I got many)

Mothers want to see their daughters become girly;
(I got flipped)

You must learn about etiquette;
(the book is good, I love to read it)

Shy feeling appears when you meet boys;
(not really, maybe)

Your heart's pumpin'if you meet a boy you loved;
(a little, I realized it when we're no longer together, it was too late)

You've started with your boy's criteria;
(hemm. Calm, genious, loves music, cares, ignorant. Maybe)

You hate mathematics;
(three years ago, now, I'm lovin' it)

Are those things true? (answer it by yourself)

For All Grown Up Girls in this World (hyperbole, but I'm serious, LOL),
Do not waste your time, enjoy the moment when you're growing up.
Listen to your Mother, for her advices.
Get closer to your Father, he loves you most.
Love every subjects you hate.
Then, you'll become a Women.
(Sure, you'll be. Every girl definitely becomes women ^^)

We'll get a success life. Amen. Become what do you wanna be.

Be Wise (:

God Bless ~

a little thing we know ~

Tales of a Lifetime

When I opened my files this afternoon, I found this picture :

These princesses, they are amazing (:

I just want to say this.
Sometimes, we could learn from the tales.
"If they could make it, You can make it too. Live in your own."

Cheers~ (:

Maybe it's not necessary. But I want you to know this story.
Thank You for reading (:

It's a part of  a little thing you must know ~

Would You Know My Name, If I Saw You in Heaven?

Would you know my name, if I saw you in heaven?

A wonderful song written by Eric Clapton and Will Jennings.
It is told about Mr. Clapton's son, Conor, a four-year-old-boy, who fell from 53rd-floor New York apartment of his mother's friend on March 20, 1991. (source : en.wikipedia.org)
It was so sad.
I don't know how it feels but I knew that it is destroying a heart of a father.


Okay, what I'm gonna say is, "Everybody is a Family in Heaven." (based on a true story by somebody, I forgot the name)
Our past is forgotten. We'll forget about each other.
And one thing that makes me sad, We will not remember who is our family, what are memories we made.
I don't wanna forget all memories with my Father.
I don't wanna forget all stories with my Mother.
I don't wanna forget all laughters with my Sister.
I want those memories last forever.

If I could, I wanna ask them :
"Would you know my name, if I saw you in heaven?"

I wanna cry if I remember that song, a beautiful song, a song about a pain of a heart.
So, I wanna enjoy every moment with my family in a rest of my life.

Love 'em. Remember them. Keep 'em in your heart.
I believe, those memories will last until our second life comes (:

I'm sure I'll make it, Mom, Dad (:

One hope about a little I knew (:

Ohayo °\(^▿^)/°

Have you done your breakfast?
Have you praised your God today?


Good Morning !! (:

I wanna tell you about a spell.
A spell that (hopefuly) helps you to spend the days.

Everyday is a beautiful day.
Great things will happen today until the end.
God holds and guides us through His way.
Spread your love everyday.
Smile always (:

Enjoy your days.

Every little things you've found, they'll make you realize about your amazing life (:

(#and I'm back to routine, LOL) (:

God Bless~

PS : I wrote this at the morning, but I just can pot it now. Good afternoon (:

We Can Do It !

I grab a pen and papers. I make a lot of notes.
I play the waltz then musics in my room.
I put a bottle of water and foods next to my desk.
Blackberry sits near me.
Magenta (my old laptop) smiles at me.
Zeus (my gorgeous guitar) stands right in front of me.
These are things I need when I'm studying. (:


My friends and I are in the middle of the exams. It's like a war (cause this is the first mid exams for us).
We all try to study hard and we believe that we can win (Yeah!)

These are the tips (from me, you can try to believe it. LOL ^^).
*Try to relax when you're studying. Don't push it, cause everybody has a limit. Try to learn with your style.
*If you play musics and it makes you learn easier, then do it.
*If you make a lot of notes and you could read it easier, then do it.
*If you're best at hearing something, try to learn with it.
*Try to love every subjects that you hate. (I beg you, it's important)
*The important one : Pray to God, ask for His Blessings (:
*Think about everybody that loves you. You must make them proud. It could be your motivation. (I wanna make my parents proud of me. I miss my little sister too, she always told me to keep movin' on ^^)

Everything you like, everything that makes you relax, it's more important than push yourself with a hardwork and it makes you sick.

All people in this world are genious, it depends on us, we must believe in ourself, WE CAN DO IT !


I'm grabbing a pen and papers.
I'm starting to play the waltz.
All sets, all done, already.
This is a version of my study.
How about you, Friends?


Good Luck for the Exams, God Bless ~

a little thing I pray ~

Sabtu, 12 November 2011


A few days ago, my friends asked me, "Why do you choose Juno as a name for your camera?"

Then I answered them, "I just love that name. It's simple."


Curious, I finally knew what "Juno" exactly means.

"Juno was an ancient Roman Goddess, the protector and special counselor of the state.Her Greek equivalent is Hera." (source : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Juno_(mythology))

(photo source : en.wikipedia.org)


Now I knew that Juno was so great. Maybe the name doesn't have any relation or influence to my camera, but still, I love that name very much.. (:

It is just a little thing I knew ~

Song of the Night

All You Need is Love - The Beatles

There's nothing you can do that can't be done.
Nothing you can sing that can't be sung.
Nothing you can say but you can learn how to play the game
It's easy.

There's nothing you can know that isn't known.
Nothing you can see that isn't shown.
Nowhere you can be that isn't where you're meant to be.
It's easy.

All you need is love, love, love is all you need

This song is inspiring me. This song tells me not to give up (especially for my mid exams) . We can do everything ! (:

                                                                                                          source : tumblr

The day has changed, I watched the clock, and I finally realized that I have to continue my study ( I still have mid exams and I must face them with a smile).

Blogging is fun, I tell you~ #smile

Okay, it's time to sleep. God Bless ~

Ketika Anak Rantauan Rindu Rumahnya

Sudah 3 bulan saya menjelma jadi anak rantauan (nggak berasa udah lama juga). Saya tinggal di asrama (sering disebut Dormitory) yang letaknya tidak begitu jauh dari kampus.

Setiap hari saya sarapan roti (beli di kampus) karena mustahil kalau saya masak sendiri di asrama karena itu memakan waktu yang agak lama. Begitu juga dengan makan siang. Saya hanya membeli makanan yang dijual di kampus (dan juga beli makanan di warteg, tergantung situasi dan kondisi), dan malam harinya saya makan cemilan atau pergi cari makan bersama teman-teman.

Setiap hari juga (kalau ada keperluan/ kelas) saya berangkat ke kampus dengan mengendarai motor kesayangan saya. Namanya juga motor, kalau lagi panas saya jadi kepanasan, kalau lagi hujan saya jadi kehujanan. Miris memang, tapi karena niat saya di sini buat belajar, ada saja kebetulan-kebetulan yang terjadi, entah hujannya berhenti atau panas yang tidak terlalu terik saat saya mau pulang ke asrama. Untungnya saya juga dikasih kesehatan yang cukup untuk melakukan aktivitas-aktivitas saya.

Sekarang, saya harus bisa mengurus kamar asrama dengan menjaganya tetap rapi dan terawat.

Sekarang, saya harus mencuci baju sendiri (hanya sebagian, yang lainnya di-laundry).

Kalau barang kebutuhan sehari-hari habis, saya harus pergi berbelanja ke toko terdekat.

Ketika mengalami itu semua, saya jadi teringat.

Dulu, saya selalu jadi anak rumahan yang hanya keluar rumah saat harus ke sekolah atau kalau ada keperluan saja, dan saya mengeluh, "Ah, Mama, kok gak mau jalan-jalan sih? Tami kan bosen di rumah terus. Kemarin-kemarin banyak ulangan, otak Tami penat, pingin refreshing."
Biasanya Mama menjawab, "Enak di rumah lah, gak capek jalan. Main aja sama Adek atau nonton TV sama Mama di kamar, kan bisa ngobrol-ngobrol juga."
Biasanya juga, saya hanya menjawab "Ya" dengan sedikit bersungut kecewa karena tidak jadi jalan-jalan.

Sekarang saya jadi sadar, coba saja dulu saya menikmati rumah dan waktu bersama keluarga saya secara "habis-habisan". Sekarang saya rindu berada di rumah dan saat-saat saya bersama keluarga.

Dulu, saya selalu sarapan di rumah dengan lauk instan yang seadanya. Saya suka bosan, dan saya meminta sarapan di sekolah sekali waktu. Mama kurang hobi memasak. Biasanya Mama masak ayam atau ikan goreng, sop ayam, semur daging, dan makanan simpel lainnya. Saya juga suka bosan dengan masakan Mama, sehingga kerap kali saya mengajak untuk makan di luar. Ketika makan di rumah makan, sering tercetus kalimat, "Coba Mama bisa masak kayak gini, kan enak."

Sekarang saya selalu makan roti dan memakan masakan dari tempat makan. Walaupun saya memesan menu yang berbeda, tapi saya tetap merasakan ada sesuatu yang kurang. Ya, saya rindu dengan masakan Mama saya yang "selalu sama". Saya sadar, walau Mama hanya memasak makanan yang biasa, tapi Mama memasaknya dengan hati seorang Ibu yang mengasihi Suami dan Anak-anaknya. Kami juga selalu makan bersama-sama (terlebih lagi kalau Papa pulang, suasananya asyik sekali). Jujur, saya rindu sekali dengan kebersamaan saat makan itu.

Dulu, saya selalu diantar jemput oleh Papa dan Mama saya. Saya sangat senang sekali, karena saya bisa merasa lebih lama bersama Papa dan Mama, jadwal sekolah saya sangat padat, sehingga kalau pulang pasti sore sekali. Saya rindu saat-saat itu. Sekarang ini saya sangat merasa kesepian kalau mau berangkat ke kampus, karena saya harus berangkat sendiri dan hanya kadang-kadang saja ada teman yang menemani ke kampus.

Dulu, saya hanya harus memanggil "embak" saya jika saya perlu sesuatu atau ingin membersihkan sesuatu. Saya jarang mengurusi kegiatan beres-beres rumah keculai kalau "embak" saya itu tidak masuk. Saat pertama kali masuk asrama, saya sempat bingung dan merasa "kaku" untuk melakukan itu semua. Namun, sekarang saya sudah mulai terbiasa dengan kegiatan beres-beres ini.

Dulu, selalu Mama yang memenuhi kebutuhan sehari-hari saya. Segala sesuatunya pasti sudah ada di saat saya membutuhkan. Papa juga selalu membantu saya apabila ada tugas-tugas yang saya tidak bisa mengerjakannya sendiri.

Aneh rasanya, di kala seorang anak meninggalkan kebiasaan-kebiasaan lamanya.

Saya sangat rindu rumah, saya rindu semua hal yang terjadi di dalamnya.

Maka dari itu, saya juga tidak akan menyerah, mengingat segala kepercayaan Papa dan Mama kepada anaknya ini.

"Tami pasti bisa mencapai hasil belajar yang baik, lalu pulang ke rumah ketemu Papa, Mama, dan Adek lagi."


Masa UTS kali ini lumayan sulit, karena saya menghadapinya seorang diri. Saya jadi teringat keluarga saya di rumah, yang selalu menyemangati saya ketika masa Ujian tiba. Sedih memang, tapi walaupun jauh dari rumah, saya tau kalau keluarga saya mendoakan dari sana. (':

Jumat, 11 November 2011


"Akhirnya saya punya blog juga!" Itu adalah pikiran pertama saya, Tami Kira, setelah blog saya jadi seutuhnya..

Sebenarnya pikiran membuat blog pada hari ini datang begitu saja. Namun, setelah dipikir-pikir, ternyata saya punya pikiran, "Sepertinya lucu juga kalau bisa buat blog dan meresmikannya di hari ini, Jumat, 11 November 2011."

Sebenarnya juga, saya ingin sekali membuat blog ini tepat pukul 11.11 WIB (ini momen langka soalnya), tapi saya terlalu cepat meng-klik button "Buat Blog". Tidak perlu disesali, yang penting blog saya sudah jadi.. (:

Baiklah, akhir kata, semoga isi blog perdana saya ini bisa jadi sesuatu yang berguna.. amin..

Minna arigatou ^^